USEPA Lead & Copper Rule Revision - What You Need to Know
Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement
The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) requires every waterworks to develop an inventory of their water service line materials on the public side of (before) your water meter and your private service line between the water meter and your home, school or building by October 16th, 2024.
The Lead and Copper Rule and Our Drinking Water System
The Halifax County Service Authority (HCSA) is committed to providing safe drinking water to all of our customers. We have been very proactive in providing continuous corrosion protection (zinc-orthophosphate) our water system(s) since the 1980’s. This was prior to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) was passed into law in 1991. Corrosion control is essential in preventing the degradation of copper and galvanized pipes and to prevent the dissolution of lead from lead solder in older homes and to extend the life of household water pipes.
The treatment technique for the rule requires systems to monitor drinking water at customer taps. If lead concentrations exceed an action level of 15 ppb. If the action level for lead is exceeded, the system must also inform the public about steps they should take to protect their health and may have to replace lead service lines under their control. In addition, testing is required to ensure that our water meets or exceeds regulatory standards.
We have been committed to meeting all of the requirements of the initial LCR and now we are meeting the same level of service with the new Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). Exposure to lead and copper may cause health problems ranging from stomach distress to brain damage.
This new rule, required all publicly owned water systems to not only monitor for lead and/or galvanized lines from the water main to the water meter, but also to identify and inventory any galvanized or lead lines that serve your home.
The link below provides HCSA water customers with the inventory information you need regarding the LCRI requirements. Please call for any questions and how to test your water service line. We will send out notifications to our customers about their service line material and testing information.
You may contact our customer service representatives at (434) 575-4240 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
HCSA provides Emergency Services after hours for service interruption, water leaks or sewer blockages. Please notify us before you call a plumber.
You may contact our Emergency personnel at
(434) 222-7798 in the event of an issue with interrupted service,
Customer Information and Policies
How To Read Your Water Meter
What Is My Toilet Really Costing Me?
Water Main Flushing
HCSA's Facilities Plan
HCSA's Strategic Plan
HCSA FY 2022 Annual Budget
What Is My Toilet Really Costing Me?
Water Main Flushing
HCSA's Facilities Plan
HCSA's Strategic Plan
HCSA FY 2022 Annual Budget
Service and Payment Forms
The HCSA Business Office is open Monday Through Friday
and complies with the
Normal Business Office Hours are Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
HCSA Business Office Hours are from 8:30 to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
HCSA celebrates all state holidays and observances. HCSA offices will remain open to the general public by appointment only. We encourage that you call or email our customer service agents at: (434) 575-4240 or You may discuss your billing and service questions by phone or you can schedule an appointment to speak in person to a customer service agent.
The HCSA Business office will continue to provide services to our customers through our website for bill payment and customer service inquiries. All necessary forms and service applications are available for download or on our website.
The Halifax County Service Authority (HCSA) provides drinking water and wastewater services to South Boston, Halifax, Clover and Virginia Intenational Raceway and Halifax County.
Our drinking water comes from the Dan River and is fully treated at our Leigh Street Water Filtration Plant in South Boston. The drinking water produced meets and exceeds all Federal and State water quality standards, providing water that is clean, healthy and safe to drink. HCSA maintains over 200 miles of water and wastewater service and collection system infrastructure.

HCSA Board of Directors Meeting
HCSA is governed by a seven (7) member board of directors who assure that all operations are funded through revenues generated solely by fees and usage charges.
Meeting Dates for 2025
(All meetings start at 3:30 PM)
2529 Houghton Avenue
South Boston, VA 24502
Our Mission
To provide quality water and wastewater services that meet all applicable standards at a reasonable cost to satisfy the needs of existing and future customers.
Our Vision
Provide high quality services to our customers at affordable rates with outstanding customer service.